On the background of sluggish global economy, the rare earth market shows no signs of rebounding. Although the Chinese government has taken measures to enhance its management of rare earth market, prices of rare earth products continue to fall. At the same time, many countries plan to the enter rare earth market and many rare earth projects around the world are in progress. What lies ahead for the rare earth market? Join us at 4th Rare Earth Summit in Chengdu, Sichuan, China and to discuss the new challenges and opportunities of the rare earth market in 2013.
Downstream industries remain soft, when will they pick up?
Rare earth downstream industries, including NdFeB magnets, phosphor powder, catalysts, polishing powder and ceramics, have been soft since the second half of 2011. Many plants have reduced production volumes and end users turn to new substitutes to reduce the production costs. Downstream industries show no signs of reviving and insiders are pessimistic about the future market. With a lack of demand from end users, prices of rare earth products are perpetually on the decline. When will consumers return to the market? When will prices hit a bottom and when wll the market begin to see a recovery?
International market sees both challenges and opportunities, who can effectively manage risk amongst drastic changes in the international market?
Mar. 18 Monday
16:00 Early Registration
18:00 Welcome Dinner
Mar. 19 Tuesday
08:30 Registration
08:50-09:00 Opening Speech by Shengyi Zhang, GM of Sichuan Jiangxi Copper Rare Earth Co., Ltd
09:00-09:40 Status and Outlook on Chinese Economy
  Baoliang Zhu, Chief Economist of SIC Economic Forecast Department, Senior Economist and Specialist of Ministry of Commerce
  SIC Economic Forecast Department
09:40-10:10 Countermeasures of Chinese Rare Earth Industry Development in 2013
  Tian Xia, Senior Engineer, Domestic Trade Department Director
  Grirem Advanced Materials Co.,Ltd.
10:10-10:30 Coffee break
Deep analysis on the supply and demand of the global rare earth market in 2013
The rare earth market saw tight supply in the first half year of 2011 and then quikly transitioned into a buyers’ market. Now rare earth market sees oversupply. Suppliers are under great pressure to conclude deals while consumers still delay purchasing and watch the market further. Will this situation change in 2013 and when will consumers return to the market again?
What lies ahead for rare earth downstream markets with enlarged production and soft demand?
Following the rebound of the rare earth sector last year, many participants entered into rare earth downstream industries, including NdFeB magnets, phosphor powder, catalyts and polish powder. While Chinese production capacity of NdFeB magnets is estimated to have hit 30,0000 tons per year, annual demand is allegedly only half of this figure. Phosphor powder, catalytic and polishing powder markets are also oversupplied. How will producers cope with slack demand? When will the markets pick up?
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Asian participants please contact
Vivian Pang / Maggie Lee
Tel: +86-10-59080011/22/33 Ext: 835 / 836
Fax: +86-10-59080044-801
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European participants please contact
Melvin Hill
Tel: 44-207-702-9994/44-207-347-5026
Fax: 44-207-347-5027
US participants please contact
Brandon Tirpak
Tel: 1-412-880-5303/1-412-880-5300
Fax: 1-412-880-5308
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